The SIT Library subscribes to several products from Elsevier - Mendeley, ClinicalKey Student, and ScienceDirect.
If you find you are experiencing problems when trying to sign in to these products, our recommendation is that you:
1. Use your personal email account to register with Mendeley. This will ensure access to your Mendeley content even after you graduate.
2. Use your SIT email to register with ClinicalKey Student and ScienceDirect.
If you find you are being asked to choose a login profile via email and are not able to access the library subscribed content even after signing in, this means you have 2 login profiles with Elsevier. One profile has been created via OpenAthens, the other profile has been registered using your SIT Email.
If you find this happening to you, please write to Elsevier support and ask them to delete your OpenAthens profile.