Answered By: Kimmy Xing Last Updated: Oct 12, 2023 Views: 208
SIT has a current subscription to the Undergraduate Case Teaching Licence, which allows Instructors to use more than 38,000 cases covered by the Licence for free, for the teaching of SIT undergraduate programs.
Authorised Users:
Current SIT undergraduate student or a current member of staff teaching at undergraduate level (whether on a permanent or temporary basis). Authorised users exclude SIT postgraduate and executive education courses. For the cases used in postgraduate or executive education courses, it’s required to pay the normal educator price.
Permitted Use:
- Only use the Case Studies for undergraduate education and teaching only.
- Upload Case Studies to Learning Management System and allow Authorised Users to access and use the Case Studies for SIT Undergraduate teaching use only.
- Print out hard copies of the Case Studies up to a maximum of the number ordered.
- Access one Case Study at a time by Secure Authentication in order to search, retrieve, display and view the Case Studies.
Prohibited Use:
- Upload any case to any Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool.
- Sell, use for commercial purposes, licence, sub-licence, distribute rent, lease or lend the Case Studies in whole or in part to others, post any of the Case Studies to any website electronic bulletin board, wide or local area network or other online environment
- Use the Case Studies in whole or in part outside SIT, such as in external teaching, tutoring, presentations or training, or as part of services provided by SIT to other educational organisations, to SIT clients or customers, on SIT organisation’s website or on any website accessible via the internet (whether or not users need to pay to access such website);
- Authorised Users may only use the Case Studies in the Course specified on Instructor’s Order and the Order Confirmation Email. For use in any additional Courses, Instructor will need to submit a separate Order.
- Remove or alter any copyright notices on any and all copies of the Case Studies. You may not alter, adapt or modify the Case Studies, except to the extent necessary to make it display on SIT Secure Course Area. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Case Studies .
- Share your passwords to Case Center and Learning Management System with others.
- Unauthorised duplicating, copying or any unauthorised publication, use or pirating of the Case Studies.
- Copy or duplicate the Case Studies or any part of the same otherwise than as necessary for proper exploitation of the Case Studies
- Distribute or publish the Case Studies or any part thereof as part of or in juxtaposition with any other item which is or which causes the Case Studies to be or to be part of anything which is defamatory, offensive, obscene or otherwise in contravention of any law or third party right
- Alter or place out of context any part of the Case Studies or otherwise violate any moral right or deal with the Case Studies so that any third party might obtain any lien or other right of whatever nature incompatible with the rights of The Case Centre
- Email electronic downloads to anyone.
- Post the electronic download online anywhere, including publicly or in a private password-protected area (see e-delivery via course area or app delivery option should you wish to do this); you can only use it to print in-house the number of copies you need for your course
Instructor's Responsibilities
- Take the Case Studies down 6 (six) months after the Course Start Date for each Course;
- At the end of the Term, you will remove all the Case Studies you have accessed under this Licence, e.g. from xSite and shall not use or distribute the Case Studies in any other way and shall promptly remove the material from any computer on which the Case Studies are maintained.
- Print the electronic download in its entirety as a complete document
- Use the electronic download only for the course you have named on your order; if you wish to use it again on a subsequent course, you must reorder the number of copies you need for the new course. You must not reuse the same electronic download for any course that is not named in the sidenote on the electronic download you have purchased
- You must not make unauthorised copies of the electronic download; you may print the number of copies you have purchased for the teaching or training purpose you have stated in your order
Additional Terms and Conditions to comply:
- Terms to comply for downloading a Case Study:
- Terms and Conditions to comply when providing the access link to a Case on xSite:
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